Education Technology

Explorations with Coding: Shuffleboard Slide with Proportions

by Texas Instruments


  • Use the draw_poly() function to draw triangles
  • Use the set_color() function to set pen colors
  • Use the randint() function to generate random integers.
  • Use if statements to make conditional decisions
  • Draw polygons on the coordinate plane
  • Use ratios to transform units
  • Decide whether two quantities are in a proportional relationship
  • Use proportions to create scale polygons

About the Lesson

In this project, students will create a disk gliding game, “shuffleboard”.  The game lets the user “aim” at a triangle scoreboard.  Once the user presses “s”, the disk will slide a random distance forward toward the scoreboard.  The score will be determined based on the final resting location of the disk.  Students are tasked with writing the code to create the scoreboard and determine a score for each disk. A partial program (template) is provided for students in a .tns file, and they will work to fill in the missing code.

Note: This lesson requires the use of TI-Nspire™ CX II technology with OS 5.2 and above.